遊戲-Spiderman: Friend or Foe-PSP美版代購

遊戲 蜘蛛人:敵友對決善與惡,每個夥伴是否能相信,就看你怎...
蜘蛛人:敵友對決此商品為美國代購商品,採「代客訂購」服務!須從美國訂購來台,因此需要等待一段時間,到貨最快時間5天,正常為10天左右到貨,若遇上美國或台灣假期或是海關驗貨則可能再延期一些到貨時間!(實際以班機到台時間為準)PSP遊戲是沒有分區的,因此不論哪個國家的規格,皆可遊玩!本銷售服務是專門針對台灣不容易買到美規遊戲,所做的代購服務!訂購之後請勿隨意取消訂單若商品已送達您手中,對該商品不滿意,遊戲軟體請勿拆封外包裝!若您無法等待商品到貨時間,請勿下單購買! .Choose a sidekick from a long list of Spider-Man’s powerful allies and swap between the web-slinger and the chosen sidekicks at any time during gameplay. Each sidekick, good or evil, features their own unique attributes that will assist Spider-Man throughout the game’s challenges..Fight against movie Super Villains and then, using an innovative combat system, face off against and defeat some of the Spider-Man movies’ most notorious Super Villains such as Doc Ock, Sandman and Green Goblin, and then convert them to join Spidey’s list of potential sidekicks..A unique co-op mode lets friends join the game at any time and take control of Spider-Man’s sidekick. Playing in two-player co-op mode allows gamers to discover new ways to overcome obstacles and enemies..As players progress through the game, battle arenas are unlocked where raw one-on-one brawling with any Super Hero or Villain can take place at any time..Replay the game or experience Versus mode with a different sidekick and eventually play as Black-Suited Spider-Man (Spidey’s darker, more aggressive persona) with different powers and abilities. On different worlds, a host of secret areas containing special tokens can be discovered in the first play through, which players can go back and explore at any time.
Spiderman: Friend or Foe-PSP美版代購



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